At Musée du Louvre, Paris 2019

(long version as PDF)

2024 - present Theoretical Astrophysics Group Cologne (TAC), Germany Postdoctoral researcher within the DFG Collaborative Research Centre Habitats Of Massive Stars Across Cosmic Time (SFB 1601)
2021 - 2023 Theoretical Astrophysics Group Cologne (TAC), Germany Postdoctoral researcher within the "NRW Profilprojekt Big Bang to Big Data (B3D)"
2021 Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany Ph.D. Astronomy (Magna Cum Laude)
awarded by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
with Prof. Dr. Simon D.M. White, supervised by Dr. Thorsten Naab
2017 University of Cologne, Germany M. Sc. Physics with Prof. Dr. Stefanie Walch-Gassner
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
Vincent Van Gogh


The multiphase interstellar medium
The simulated multiphase interstellar medium.

I am interested in the evolution of the interstellar medium, galactic outflows, and how massive stars shape their environment and regulate star formation with their feedback.
Within the SILCC project,The SILCC project I systematically study the impact of supernovae, stellar winds, ionising UV radiation, cosmic rays and runaway stars on star formation and the capabilities to drive and sustain galactic outflows.
Using state-of-the-art simulation techniques, particularly focusing on the role of cosmic rays, I delve into understanding the mechanisms driving galactic outflows and regulating star formation processes.
I mainly use the MPI parallel, magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD), 3D adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) code FLASH to carry out my research with high-resolution ISM simulations on high-performance computing (HPC) clusters like SuperMUC-NG.

Star formation rate surface density vs gas surface density of ISM simulations with increasing feedback complexity.

Stratified disk simulation with an initial gas surface density of Σ = 50 M / pc2. The simulation includes stellar feedback in the form of type II supernovae, stellar winds, ionising UV radiation, and cosmic rays, as well as a type Ia supernova background, and runaway stars. Shown are the edge-on (top row) and face-on (bottom row) views of the total gas, ionised, atomic, and molecular hydrogen column densities. Individual HII regions (3rd panel) from active star clusters are visible. Also shown is the density-weighted column of the magnetic field strength (6th panel) and slices through the centre of the simulation box with temperature (2nd panel) and CR energy density (7th panel). The star-forming galactic ISM is concentrated around the midplane. White circles in the 1st and 3rd panels indicate star clusters with different masses. The smallest white circles are individual runaway OB stars. Translucent symbols indicate old star clusters with no active massive stars in them. Stellar feedback generates a highly structured and turbulent multiphase ISM with all its major thermal and non-thermal components.

In addition to simulation-based research, I am actively involved in predicting and analysing the observable properties of the ISM through post-processing and synthetic observation techniques. Utilising sophisticated tools such as the photo-ionisation code Cloudy, I focus on studying the optical emission line properties of simulated ISM environments. By combining simulation data with observational constraints, I study the underlying physical processes governing the ISM its emission lines. Through detailed analysis of optical line emission and line ratio diagnostics, I strive to bridge the gap between theoretical simulations and observational data, advancing our understanding of the ISM and its role in galactic evolution.

Emission map of the simulated ISM.
Emission map of the simulated ISM within the SILCC framework.

In addition to my research endeavors in ISM simulation and emission line studies, I am actively engaged in projects that intersect with machine learning (ML) and research data management (RDM), particularly within the Collaborative Research Center "Habitats of Massive Stars across Cosmic Time" (CRC1601) and the "Big Bang to Big Data" (B3D) consortium.
Within these collaborative frameworks, I contribute to initiatives aimed at integrating machine learning techniques into astrophysical research. I am exploring new ways of ultilising machine learning techniques for data reduction and post-processing of the large datasets which are produced by simulations.
Furthermore, I play a role in research data management efforts within both the CRC and the B3D project. Recognising the importance of adhering to FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) , I am involved in developing metadata standards for astrophysical simulation data, ensuring that research data remains accessible and comprehensible for future generations of scientists.


Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up.
Stephen Hawking


Full publications list (NASA/ADS)

My top 5 cited records accumulate a total of 87 citations, contributing to an h-index of 3 (first author h-index: 2).

Most common authors that cite me

Citation statistics
  1. Pfrommer, C. (8)
  2. Kim, C. (8)
  3. Ostriker, E. (8)
  4. Walch, S. (7)
  5. Girichidis, P. (7)
  6. Naab, T. (6)
  7. Pakmor, R. (6)
  8. Hennebelle, P. (5)
  9. Gronke, M. (5)
  10. Fielding, D. (5)

The multiphase interstellar medium
My top collaborators (scaled by number of joint publications)

Collaborative network

Collaborations for publications: red heatmap
Attended conferences and workshops: blue pins

updated: January, 2024

Most recent publications


CO and [C II] line emission of molecular clouds: the impact of stellar feedback and non-equilibrium chemistry

Ebagezio, S., Rathjen, T.-E. et al., MNRAS, 525, 5631 (2023)

We analyze SILCC-Zoom project simulations' synthetic emission maps (12CO, 13CO, [C II]) of molecular clouds. Our zoom-in simulations track H2, CO, and C+ evolution in the interstellar medium with and without radiative stellar feedback. Post-processing with CLOUDY addresses higher carbon ionization due to stellar radiation in H II regions. Synthetic [C II] emission maps reveal depletion around feedback bubbles, attributed to C+ ionization into C2+. The cloud-averaged luminosity ratio for 12CO and 13CO is unreliable for H2 mass fraction or cloud evolutionary stage determination. Chemical equilibrium assumption introduces intrinsic errors in chemical abundances, luminosities, and ratios.


How do supernova remnants cool? – I. Morphology, optical emission lines, and shocks

Makarenko, E., Rathjen, T.-E. et al., MNRAS, 523, 1421 (2023)

We introduce a FLASH code post-processing module for simulating Supernova (SN) remnants' cooling radiation, using collisional excitation data from MAPPINGS V. Applying it to an SNR simulation, we find dominant EUV emissions, while optical lines ([O III], [N II], [S II], Hα, Hβ) are typically more observable. Our shock detection scheme reveals [S II] and [N II] emissions from the thin shell, and [O III], H⁠α, and H⁠β from the hot gas within the SNR bubble. Optical lines are influenced by the SNR's structure and projection, with 10–80% reduction in line luminosity due to line-of-sight absorption. Contaminating background radiation subtraction is essential for accurate SNR classification on oxygen or sulfur BPT diagrams. Synthetic observations match well with simulation results, but electron temperature and density sensitivity to assumed metallicity is noted.


SILCC – VII. Gas kinematics and multiphase outflows of the simulated ISM at high gas surface densities

Rathjen, T.-E. et al., MNRAS, 522, 1843 (2023)

We present MHD simulations of the star-forming interstellar medium in stratified galactic patches (Σgas = 10, 30, 50, 100 M⊙ / pc^2). The SILCC project includes non-equilibrium thermal and chemical processes. The sink-based model incorporates stellar winds, UV radiation, core-collapse supernovae, and cosmic rays (CR). Simulations align with the observed Σgas-ΣSFR relation. CRs impact outflows; without them, a two-phase to single-phase transition occurs. With CRs, three phases persist, dominated by the warm phase. CR impact on mass loading decreases with higher Σgas, maintaining factors around unity, independent of ΣSFR. Vertical velocity dispersions of the warm ionized medium (WIM) and cold neutral medium (CNM) correlate with ΣSFR^0.20, consistent with observations. In the absence of stellar feedback, no correlation is observed. WIM's velocity dispersion is ~2.2 times higher than CNM, matching local observations.

If you want to build a ship, do not drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Current News

I have reached my first 100 citations!
(according to @Google Scholar - @adsabs lists me in at 96
All citations stem from works published in @RAS_Journals ) #ScientificTwitter #Academia #Astronomy

— Tim-Eric Rathjen (@Tim_T_Rex) March 25, 2024

Come visit me at my overhauled professional website, which is now hosted at
Let's go exploring!#AcademicTwitter #Astronomy #Astrophysics #UoC

— Tim-Eric Rathjen (@Tim_T_Rex) January 30, 2024

🚀2023 Wrapped 🚀
Many thanks to my collaborators and congratulations on these successful publications!
Makarenko et al.
Ebagezio et al.
Rathjen et al.
✨ Keep exploring! ✨#astronomy @RAS_Journals

— Tim-Eric Rathjen (@Tim_T_Rex) January 8, 2024

Five intense days of galaxy formation are over :) Thanks to @astroIAP for hosting us in beautiful #Paris !#IAPnewsim23 #astronomy #astrophysics

— Tim-Eric Rathjen (@Tim_T_Rex) December 15, 2023

Join me next Thursday when I explore how astrophysicists recreate the whole universe inside a computer at Astronomy On Tap Cologne, 26.10. at Filmdose Cologne 🚀 #AstronomyOnTap #astrophysics #astronomy

— Tim-Eric Rathjen (@Tim_T_Rex) October 19, 2023

Where is all the [C II]?
Explore our latest research led by Stefano Ebagezio at @UniCologne and published in @RAS_Journals in which we use radiation-MHD simulations of molecular clouds to study the enigmatic [C II] emission #astronomy #ISM

— Tim-Eric Rathjen (@Tim_T_Rex) September 20, 2023

🚀 Thrilled to debut as chairperson & convenor at the ISM splinter session during the Intl Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society (@GermanAstroSoc ) at the beautiful Technische Universität Berlin(@TUBerlin)! 🌌✨ #ag2023berlin #AcademicTwitter #astronomy #astrophysics

— Tim-Eric Rathjen (@Tim_T_Rex) September 15, 2023


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Cosmic Rays at the IAP Symposium 2023 and dinner at Tour Eiffel with Prof. Dr. Romain Teyssier and Dr. Thorsten Naab | Paris, 2023
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Public Outreach at Astronomy on Tap | Cologne, 2023
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Presenting SILCC VII at Outflows2023 | Melbourne, 2023
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Getting close to the stars with Birka Zimmermann and Dr. Thomas Bisbas | Mt. Olympus, 2023
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The Olympian Symposium | Katerini, 2023
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Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope with astronomer for scale | Effelsberg, 2022
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At Osorno Volcano during the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn-Symposium | Saltos del Rio Petrohue Park, 2022
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Talking about emission line diagnostics of the simulated ISM at "The Wheel of Star Formation" conference | Prague, 2022
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At the future CCAT-Prime site on top of Cerro Chajnantor (5600m). The small white dots below my right hand are ALMA | Atacama dessert, 2022
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The view from Cerro Chajnantor | Atacama dessert, 2022
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Part of the TAC Group during FStGII | Gothenburg, 2022
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Ionised gas and runaway stars | unpublished work © Rathjen, 2021
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First full-scale confernce since COVID-19 | FStGII, Gothenburg, 2022
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The Eye of Sauron: column density evolution of a high surface density disk | unpublished work © Rathjen, 2019
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Per Aspera Ad Astra | Garching, 2021
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Word cloud created out of my PhD thesis | Garching, 2021

So when I look up at the night sky and I know that, yes, we are part of this Universe, we are in this Universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up, many people feel small - 'cause they're small and the Universe is big - but I feel big because my atoms came from those stars.
Neil deGrasse Tyson


Dr. Tim-Eric Rathjen

Dr. Tim-Eric Rathjen
University of Cologne
Institute for Astrophysics
Zülpicher Straße 77
50937 Cologne

+49 221 470 7708

When I heard the learn’d astronomer, When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me, When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them, When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick, Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars
Walt Whitman